List of Famous Parliament Names of Different Countries S.N. Country Parliament 1 Afghanistan Shoora 2 Albania People’s Assembly 3 Algeria National People’s Assembly 4 Andorra General Council 5 Angola National People’s Assembly 6 Argentina National Congress 7 Australia Federal Parliament 8 Austria National Assembly 9 Azerbaijan Melli Majlis 10 Bahamas General Assembly 11 Bahrain Consultative
Number of Players in Different Sports Team
Number of Players in Different Sports Team Today, I am going to publish a very very important post on In various compitative exams sometime ask How many palyers in Football Game? So today i am going to detailing this question and i have collected all ther list of Games and their number of
List of Countries and their National Games / Sports
List of Countries and their National Games /Sports in The World S.N. Country National Game/Sport Other Popular Games /Sports 1 Afghanistan Buzkashi Football, Cricket 2 Argentina Pato Association Football, Basketbal, Rugby Union 3 Australia Cricket AFL (Australian Football League), Basketball 4 Bahamas Sloop Sailing Cricket, Football, Rugby 5 Bangladesh Kabaddi Cricket, Football, Hockey 6 Bhutan
रासायनिक पदार्थो के व्यापारिक नाम और रासायनिक सूत्र
रासायनिक पदार्थो के व्यापारिक नाम और रासायनिक सूत्र क्र. सं. व्यापारिक नाम रासायनिक नाम रासायनिक सूत्र 1 साधारण लवण सोडियम क्लोराइड NaCl 2 खाने का सोडा (बैकिग सोडा) सोडियम बाइकार्बोनेट NaHCO₃ 3 धोवन सोडा(वाशिंग सोडा) सोडियम कार्बोनेट Na₂CO₃•10H₂O 4 कास्टिक सोडा सोडियम हाइड्रॉक्साइड NaOH 5 चिली सॉल्टपीटर सोडियम नाइट्रेट NaNO₃ 6 सुहागा बोरेक्स Na₂B₄O₇•10H₂O 7 सोडा
List of Important Awards, Honors and its Related Fields – India
List of Important Awards, Honors and their Fields in India Hello Friends, I have given many compitative exams. As per my previous experiance , one question is asking from this topic in many exams for eg. IBPS, SSC, RRB, CGL, CDS, CPO, UPSC etc… So that i am trying to share this very impotant topic