Static GK, Study Materials, World

Parliament Names of Different Countries

List of Famous Parliament Names of Different Countries S.N. Country Parliament 1 Afghanistan Shoora 2 Albania People’s Assembly 3 Algeria National People’s Assembly 4 Andorra General Council 5 Angola National People’s Assembly 6 Argentina National Congress 7 Australia Federal Parliament 8 Austria National Assembly 9 Azerbaijan Melli Majlis 10 Bahamas General Assembly 11 Bahrain Consultative


India, Static GK, Study Materials, World

Number of Players in Different Sports Team

  Number of Players in Different Sports Team Today, I am going to publish a very very important post on In various compitative exams sometime ask How many palyers in Football Game? So today i am going to detailing this question and i have collected all ther list of Games and their number of


Static GK, Study Materials, World

List of Countries and their National Games / Sports

 List of Countries and their National Games /Sports in The World S.N. Country National Game/Sport Other Popular Games /Sports 1 Afghanistan Buzkashi Football, Cricket 2 Argentina Pato Association Football, Basketbal, Rugby Union 3 Australia Cricket AFL (Australian Football League), Basketball 4 Bahamas Sloop Sailing Cricket, Football, Rugby 5 Bangladesh Kabaddi Cricket, Football, Hockey 6 Bhutan



रासायनिक पदार्थो के व्यापारिक नाम और रासायनिक सूत्र

रासायनिक पदार्थो के व्यापारिक नाम और रासायनिक सूत्र क्र. सं. व्यापारिक नाम रासायनिक नाम रासायनिक सूत्र 1 साधारण लवण सोडियम क्लोराइड NaCl 2 खाने का सोडा (बैकिग सोडा) सोडियम बाइकार्बोनेट NaHCO₃ 3 धोवन सोडा(वाशिंग सोडा) सोडियम कार्बोनेट Na₂CO₃•10H₂O 4 कास्टिक सोडा सोडियम हाइड्रॉक्साइड NaOH 5 चिली सॉल्टपीटर सोडियम नाइट्रेट NaNO₃ 6 सुहागा बोरेक्स Na₂B₄O₇•10H₂O 7 सोडा


India, Static GK, Study Materials

List of Important Awards, Honors and its Related Fields – India

List of Important Awards, Honors and their Fields in India Hello Friends, I have given many compitative exams. As per my previous experiance , one question is asking from this topic in many exams for eg. IBPS, SSC, RRB, CGL, CDS, CPO, UPSC etc… So that i am trying to share this very impotant topic