India, Static GK, Study Materials

List of All Presidents of India till Date in Hindi and English

President is the head of the Union Executive.The President of India is indirectly elected by means of the single transferable vote. Qualifications for election as President are: Be a citizen of India. Have completed the age of 35 years. Be qualified for elections as a members of Lok Sabha. Must not hold any office of


India, Static GK

List of all Prime Ministers (PM) of India till date in English and Hindi

List of all Prime Ministers (PM) of India Till Date Today i am going to post a very intresting topic. Topic name is “List of all Prime Ministers (PMs) of India with their working duration.”. In India PM leads the country and commanding the other ministers that is elected by voters.PM is Head of Government.


Static GK, World

Important World Organization and their Headquarters with Abbreviation

Important World Organization and their Headquarters with Abbreviation International Organization is covers various aspects of global governance from multiple social and political science perspectives. World organization is international membership and scope. All comparative exams asked one or two question related International organization. Here list of  World Organization and their Headquarters with Abbreviation or Global Organization


India, Static GK, Study Materials, World

List of all Important International and National Dates and Days

List of all Important International and National Dates and Days Today here I am going to write down very important topics which are very helpful in all competitive exams. Topic is “List of all Important International and National Dates and Days”. Generally 4-5 questions come in every exam from this topic. So this is very


Science, Study Materials

Most Famous Scientific Instruments and their Usage

Most Famous Scientific Instruments and their Usage Scientific Instrument is a tool used for scientific reason and area. Its instrument measures something such as position, temperature, pressure, direction and speed etc. Scientific Instrument is very useful day by day. All competitive examinations Railway, UPPSC, MPPSC, SSC and Bank asked one or two question related to