
विज्ञान की विभिन्न शाखाएँ एवं अध्ययन विषय

विज्ञान की  विभिन्न शाखाएँ एवं अध्ययन विषय  विज्ञान का अर्थ – विज्ञान शब्द का जन्म लैटिन शब्द Scientia से हुआ जिसका अर्थ है विशेष ज्ञान  । वस्तुत : घटनाओं के कारणों की खोज ने विज्ञान को जन्म दिया  । विज्ञान किसी घटना विशेष के कारण तथा परिणाम के पारस्परिक सम्बन्ध के ज्ञान का व्यवस्थित या


Science, Study Materials

List of Glossary of Physics Terms and Description

List of Glossary of Physics Terms and Description Term Description Acceleration It is the rate of change of the velocity of a moving body. Acoustics It is the experimental and theoretical science of sound and its transmission. Alternative energy It is the energy from sources that are renewable and ecological safe, as opposed to sources


Science, Static GK

 List of Important Biology Terms and Definitions

  List of Important Biology Terms and Definitions All comparative exam  asks one or two question related to Biology Terms and definitions.Its important topic  for  comparative exam.Below include list of Glossary of Biology Terms and Definition. Biology is branch of Science in which living beings are studied.the term of biology was first coined by Lamarck and Treviranus


Science, Study Materials

आधुनिक चिकित्सा विज्ञान से सम्बन्धी अविष्कार और अविष्कारक

आधुनिक चिकित्सा विज्ञान से सम्बन्धी अविष्कार और अविष्कारक (Discovery Of Modern Medical Science) क्र. सं. अविष्कार अविष्कारक 1 विटामिन फंक 2 विटामिन ‘ए’ मैकुलन 3 विटामिन ‘बी’ मैकुलन 4 विटामिन ‘सी’ युजोक्स होल्कट 5 विटामिन ‘डी’ की खोज एफ. जी. हॉपकिंस 6 चेचक का टीका एडवर्ड जेनर 7 हृदय प्रत्यारोपण क्रिश्चियंस बर्नार्ड 8 आर. एन.


Science, Static GK, Study Materials

Father of Various Branches of Biology

Father of Various Branches of Biology Science is very important subject in every competitive exams. There are 3 parts of science Which is Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Today i am described the different fields or branches of Biology. Below is the of different types of branches of Biology and their Father:  List of Father of