विश्व में सर्वाधिक छोटा, बड़ा, लम्बा एवं ऊँचा क्र.सं. विश्व में सर्वाधिक बड़ा, छोटा, लम्बा एवं ऊँचा स्थान 1 विश्व का सबसे बड़ा महाद्वीप एशिया ( विश्व के क्षेत्रफल का 30%) 2 विश्व का सबसे छोटा महाद्वीप आस्ट्रेलिया 3 विश्व का सबसे बड़ा महासागर प्रशांत महासागर 4 विश्व का सबसे छोटा महासागर आर्कटिक महासागर 5
List of Intelligence or Detective Agencies of the World
List of Intelligence or Detective Agencies of the World S.N. Country Intelligence /Detective Agencies 1 African Intelligence Agencies • South Africa – South African Secret Service • South Africa – Department of Defense • South Africa – National Intelligence Agency 2 Australia/Oceania • Australian Secret Intelligence Service • Australian Secret Intelligence Organization • Australian
Contour Lines (Isolines)and Imaginary line in the map
Contour Lines ( Isolines ) and Imaginary line in the map What is Contour Lines (Isolines) ? Isolines, also referred to as contour lines. The prefix ‘iso’ is a greek word meaning equal, so an isoline must be a line joining equal points. A contour line or Isolines are imaginary lines that connect points of
Parliament Names of Different Countries
List of Famous Parliament Names of Different Countries S.N. Country Parliament 1 Afghanistan Shoora 2 Albania People’s Assembly 3 Algeria National People’s Assembly 4 Andorra General Council 5 Angola National People’s Assembly 6 Argentina National Congress 7 Australia Federal Parliament 8 Austria National Assembly 9 Azerbaijan Melli Majlis 10 Bahamas General Assembly 11 Bahrain Consultative
Number of Players in Different Sports Team
Number of Players in Different Sports Team Today, I am going to publish a very very important post on VidyaGyaan.com. In various compitative exams sometime ask How many palyers in Football Game? So today i am going to detailing this question and i have collected all ther list of Games and their number of