
Generations of Computers and Their Characteristics

  Generations of Computers and Their Characteristics

  Generations of Computers and Their Characteristics

Generations of Computers can be generalized into mainly five generation :
1. First Generation Computers –1942 to 1954
2. Second Generation of Computers -1955 to 1964
3. Third Generation of Computers- 1965 to 1974
4. Fourth Generation Computers- 1975– till now
5. Fifth Generation of Computers – Still in Process

1. First Generation Computers (1942 to 1954) – Based on Vacuum Tubes

The first generation computers were used vaccum tubes as the main electronic part. For memory devices punch card and paper tapes were used. Magnetic drums are also used for storage .At that time memory was very expensive. Electronic time per calculation ranged from 0.1 milliseconds to1 milliseconds. They uses two types of computer programming languages, machine language and assembly language. A list of popular first generation computers ENIAC, UNIVAC,EDVAC, and EDSAC.
A) Computer Characteristics & Capabilities –

B) Trends and Developments in Computer Hardware-

2.Second Generation of Computers (1955 to 1964) – Based on Transistor

The invention of transistor lead to start the second generation of computers. Vaccum tubes are replaced by transistors. For data storage magnetic tapes and magnetic tapes and magnetic disks were used. For programming purpose besides machine and assembly languages, high level languages were also used like FORTRAN, COBOL and BASIC etc.
A) Computer Characteristics & Capabilities –

 B ) Trends and Developments in Computer Hardware-

3. Third Generation of Computers (1965 to 1974) – Based on Integrated Circuit

In this generation of computers transistors are replaced by its integrated form, known as integrated Circuits(IC). Mini computers were introduced in this generation. Multiprogramming facility was developed.Size, cost, power requirement and heat generation decreased. High level languages were used in this generation. Processing speed and storage capacity used of computer increased.

 A) Computer Characteristics & Capabilities –

B) Trends and Developments in Computer Hardware-

4.  Fourth Generation of Computers (1975– till now )- Based on VLSI Microprocessor

The fourth generation computers started with the invention of Microprocessor. Software is user friendly. Storage capacity is high. Size, cost, power requirement, heat generation decreased compared to the previous generation. Problem-oriented fourth generation language (4GL) is used to develop the program.
A) Computer Characteristics & Capabilities –

 B) Trends and Developments in Computer Hardware-

5.Fifth Generation of Computers ( Still in Process)-Based on ULSI Microprocessor ,AI

In this generation of computer Artificial Intelligence (AI) concept is adopted. The computers have intelligence quality, default assumptions, Decision making capability etc. through these concepts expert systems. Knowledge based systems, Decision Support System are developed. Robots are the common example of this type of system.
Generally this generation of system is expected to be intelligent as mankind. It may be hear, understand and work as human being. Research and development are continued.

A) Computer Characteristics & Capabilities –

B ) Trends and Developments in Computer Hardware-

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