Most Famous Scientific Instruments and their Usage
Scientific Instrument is a tool used for scientific reason and area. Its instrument measures something such as position, temperature, pressure, direction and speed etc. Scientific Instrument is very useful day by day. All competitive examinations Railway, UPPSC, MPPSC, SSC and Bank asked one or two question related to scientific instrument. Here list of Most Famous Scientific Instruments and their Usage.
Scientific Instruments and their Usage
S.No. | Instrument Name | Use |
1 | Altimeter | An instrument used in aircrafts for measuring altitudes. |
2 | Ammeter | An instrument used to measures strength of eclectic current. |
3 | Anemometer | An instrument used to measures force and velocity of wind and directions. |
4 | Audiometer | An instrument to measures intensity of sound. |
5 | Barograph | An instrument used to measures continuous recording of atmospheric pressure. |
6 | Barometer | An instrument used to measures atmospheric pressure and conditions |
7 | Binoculars | An instrument used to view distant objects. |
8 | Bolometer | An instrument to measure heat radiation. |
9 | Calipers | An instrument used to measures inner and outer diameter of bodies (wire, cylinder). |
10 | Calorimeter | An instrument used to measures quantities of heat. |
11 | Cardiogram(ECG) | An instrument traces movements of the heat, recorded on a Cardiograph. |
12 | Cathetometer | An instrument used to determines heights, measurement of levels etc |
13 | Chronometer | An instrument used to determines longitude of a vessel at sea. |
14 | Colorimeter | An instrument used to compares intensity of colors. |
15 | Commutator | An instrument used to generators to reverse the direction of electric current. |
16 | Cryometer | An instrument used to measure very low temperatures ,usually close to 00C |
17 | Cyclotron | An instrument used to accelerating charge particles to high energies. |
18 | Dilatometer | An instrument used to measures in volume of substance. |
19 | Dynamo | An instrument used to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. |
20 | Electroencephalograph (EEC) | An instrument used to records and interprets the electrical waves of the brain. |
21 | Electrometer | An instrument used to measures very small but potential difference in electric currents. |
22 | Electroscope | An instrument used to detects presence of an electric charge. |
23 | Electron microscope | An instrument used to obtain a magnifying view of very small objects capable of magnifying up to 20,000 times. |
24 | Endoscope | An instrument used to examine internal parts of body. |
25 | Fathometer | An instrument used to measure depth of ocean. |
26 | Flux meter | An instrument used to measure magnetic flux. |
27 | Galvanometer | An instrument used to measure electric current. |
28 | Hydrometer | An instrument used to measure the relative density of liquids. |
29 | Hygrometer | An instrument used to measure level of humidity. |
30 | Hydrophone | An instrument used to measure sound under water. |
31 | Hygroscope | An instrument used to shows the change in atmospheric humidity. |
32 | Hypsometer | An instrument used to determine boiling point of liquids. |
33 | Kymograph | An instrument used to graphically records physiological movement. |
34 | Lactometer | An instrument used to measure the relative density of milk to determine purity. |
35 | Mach meter | An instrument used to determine the speed of aircraft in terms of the speed of sound. |
36 | Magnetometer | An instrument used to compares magnetic movements and fields. |
37 | Manometer | An instrument used to measures the pressure of gases. |
38 | Micrometer | An instrument used to converts sound waves into electric vibrations. |
39 | Microphone | An instrument used to measure distance / angles. |
40 | Microscope | An instrument used to obtain a magnified view of small objects. |
41 | Nephetometer | An instrument used to measure the scattering of light by particles suspended in a liquid. |
42 | Odometer | An instrument attached to the wheel of a vehicle, to measure the distance travelled. |
43 | Ohmmeter | An instrument used to measure electrical resistance in ohms. |
45 | Ondometer | An instrument used to measure the frequency of electromagnetic waves(radio wave) |
46 | Periscope | An instrument used to view objects above sea level(used in submarines) |
47 | Photometer | An instrument used to compares he luminous intensity of the source of light. |
48 | Polygraph | An instrument used to simultaneously records changed in Physiological processes such as heartbeat, blood pressure and respiration, used as a lie detector. |
49 | Pyrheliometer | An instrument used to measure components of radiation. |
50 | Pyrometer | An instrument used to measure very high temperature. |
51 | Quadrant | An instrument used to measure altitudes and angles in navigation and astronomy. |
52 | Rader | An instrument used to detect direction and range of an approaching aeroplane by means of radio waves,(Radio, Angle, Detection and Rang) |
53 | Rain Gauge | An instrument used to measure rainfall. |
54 | Radio Micrometer | An instrument used to measure heat radiation. |
55 | Refractometer | An instrument used to measure refractive indices |
56 | Salinometer | An instrument used to determines salinity of solutions. |
57 | Sextant | An instrument used to measure angular distance between two objects. |
58 | Seismograph | An instrument used to recording the intensity and origin of earthquakes shocks. |
59 | Spectroscope | An instrument used to observe or record spectra. |
60 | Speedometer | An instrument used to measure speed of vehicle. |
61 | Sherometer | An instrument used to measure curvature of spherical objects. |
62 | Sphygmometer | An instrument used to measure blood pressure. |
63 | Stereoscope | An instrument used to view two-dimensional pictures. |
64 | Stethoscope | An instrument used by doctors to hear and analyze heart and lung sounds. |
65 | Stroboscope | An instrument used to view rapidly moving objects. |
66 | Tachometer | An instrument used to determine speed ,especially the rotation speed of a shaft(used in aeroplans and motor-boats) |
67 | Tangent Galvanometer | An instrument used to measure the strength of direct current |
68 | Telemeter | An instrument used to records physical happenings at a distant place. |
69 | Teleprinter | An instrument used to receives and sends typed massage from one place to another. |
70 | Telescope | An instrument used to view distant object in space |
71 | Thermometer | An instrument used to measure temperature. |
72 | Thermostat | An instrument used to regulates temperature at a particular point. |
73 | Tonometer | An instrument used to measure the pitch of a sound. |
74 | Transponder | An instrument used to receive a signal and transmit a reply immediately |
75 | Udometer | An instrument used to rain gauge |
76 | Ultrasonoscope | An instrument used to measure and use ultrasonic sound(beyond hearing) |
77 | Venturimeter | An instrument used to measure the rate of flow of liquids |
78 | Vernier | An instrument used to measure small sub-division of scale. |
79 | Viscometer | An instrument used to measure the viscosity of liquid. |
80 | Voltmeter | An instrument used to measure electric potential difference between two points. |
81 | Wattmeter | An instrument used to measure the power of an electric circuit. |
82 | Wavemeter | An instrument used to measure the wavelength of a radio-wave. |
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