
Contour Lines (Isolines)and Imaginary line in the map

Contour Lines ( Isolines ) and Imaginary line in the map

Contour Lines ( Isolines ) and Imaginary line in the map

What is Contour Lines  (Isolines) ?

Isolines, also referred to as contour lines. The prefix ‘iso’ is a greek word meaning equal, so an isoline must be a line joining equal points.

A contour line or Isolines are imaginary lines that connect points of equal elevation (elevation refers to height in feet, or meters, above sea level). Contour lines, isolines, or isograms are used widely in different fields such as meteorology, geology, oceanography, and other sciences to represent lines with equal values of a certain attribute.

The following are general characteristics of contour lines:

  1. Contour lines do not cross each other, divide or split.
  2. Closely spaced contour lines represent steep slopes, conversely, contour lines that are spaced far apart represent gentle slopes.
  3. Contour lines trend up valleys and form a “V” or a “U” where they cross a stream.

Here’s a list of Contour Lines  / types of Imaginary line in the map you might discover as you explore geography .

List of Contour Lines ( Isolines ) /Imaginary line in the map

S.N. Name of Contour Lines (Isolines) Definition
1 Isabnormal A Line connecting points of equal deviation from mean temperature
2 Isacoustic A Line connecting points of equal acoustic quality
3 Isallobar A Line connecting points of equal change in barometric pressure
4 Iseidomal A Line connecting points of equal visibility of a spectacle
5 Isentropic A Line connecting points of equal entropy
6 Isobar A Line connecting points of same atmospheric pressure
7 Isobase A Line connecting points of equal land upheaval
8 Isobath A Line connecting points of equal underwater depth
9 Isobathytherm A Line connecting points of equal temperature and depth underground
10 Isobront A Line connecting points of simultaneous storm development
11 Isochar A Line connecting points of similar distinguishing characteristics of plant life
12 Isochasm A Line connecting points of equal frequency of aurorae
13 Isocheim A Line connecting points of same average winter temperature
14 Isochlor A Line connecting points of equal chlorine concentration
15 Isochor A Line connecting points of varying conditions under constant volume
16 Isochrone A Line connecting points of equal time difference or simultaneous occurrence
17 Isoclinal A Line connecting points of same magnetic dip
18 Isocryme A Line connecting points of equal winter temperature
19 Isodapane A Line connecting points of equal transport costs for products from production to markets.
20 Isodose A Line connecting points that receive equal doses of radiation
21 Isodrosotherm A Line connecting points of equal dew point
22 Isodynamic A Line connecting points of equal magnetic intensity
23 Isoflor a Line connecting points of equal number of plant species
24 Isogam A Line connecting points of equal acceleration due to gravity
25 Isogen A Line connecting points of equal birthrates
26 Isogeotherm A Line connecting points of equal subterranean temperature
27 Isogloss A Line connecting points of similar regional dialect
28 Isogon A Line connecting points of same specified angle or same wind direction
29 Isogonal A Line connecting points of equal magnetic declination
30 Isograd A Line connecting points of similar conditions during geological metamorphism
31 Isogram A Line connecting points on a map having some similar feature
32 Isograph A Line connecting points of same linguistic usage in some respect
33 Isohaline A Line connecting points of equal salinity
34 Isohel A Line connecting points of equal sunlight
35 Isohyet A Line connecting points of equal rainfall
36 Isokeraunic A Line connecting points of equal occurrence of thunderstorms
37 Isolex A Line connecting points of same vocabulary usage
38 Isoline A Line connecting points on a map having some similar feature
39 Isomagnetic A Line connecting points of equal magnetic induction
40 Isometric A Line connecting points of equal variations of pressure
41 Isomorph A Line connecting points of same linguistic morphological forms
42 A sonephelic A Line connecting points of equal cloud cover
43 Isopach A Line connecting points of equal thickness of geological strata
44 Isophene A Line connecting points of the same phenotype or seasonal variation
45 Isophote A Line connecting points of equal light intensity from a given source
46 Isopiestic A Line connecting points of equal pressure but varying temperature and volume
47 Isopiptesis A Line connecting points of same arrival date of migratory species
48 Isopleth A Line connecting points of equal aspect of climate
49 Isopor A Line connecting points of equal annual change in magnetic field
50 Isopycnic A Line connecting points of equal density
51 Isorithm A Line connecting points of equal population density
52 Isoseismal A Line connecting points of same earthquake intensity
53 Isostere A Line connecting points of equal specific volume of a substance
54 Isotac A Line joining points where the ice melts at the same time of year
55 Isotach A Line connecting points of the same wind speed
56 Isothere A Line connecting points of equal summer temperature
57 Isotherm A Line connecting points of equal temperature
58 Isothermobath A Line connecting points of equal temperature at a given ocean depth
59 Isotherombrose A Line connecting points of equal ratio of summer rainfall to annual rainfall
60 Isovol A Line connecting points of equal ratio of fixed to volatile carbon in coal

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